We are thrilled to present the FAV Senior Degree Projects and celebrate the amazing work of the FAV class of 2024!
Each of these projects has been brought to life from the artist's vision, commitment, and passion. However, none of them would exist without the collaborative efforts and unwavering support of fellow students, faculty members, staff, friends, and family. It truly takes a village.
Last fall, each senior began work on their degree project. This year-long process is a rollercoaster of growth, setbacks, circuitous paths, flashes of joy, and moments of clarity. These experiences have shaped each artist and their work.
As one of FAV's professors said, "Cinema lives through us." By experiencing these works together, you, the audience, become more than just observers. You are an important part of bringing the films to life and the artists' journeys. You are the first audience. After you, many of these works will continue their travels around the world.
On behalf of the FAV faculty and staff, I congratulate these seniors, and thank you, the audience, for joining our celebration.